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Annotated Bibliography

In this research I plan on researching “what is considered a livable wage in the state of New York?”. My direction of my research hasn’t changed by much since exploring my topic for my last essay because I am still determined to find out if there is a governmental solution or a plan for individuals working on minimum wage while living in one of the most expensive state’s in the United States. I imagine my stance to be very sincere but serious at the same time towards my audience because this is a topic that most individuals go through and sometimes even alone which makes it extremely difficult due to the fact that in New York prices inflate whether it is rent, bus fare or food prices. This has an impact on individuals who are getting paid minimum wage and minimum wage itself is also distinct from city to city within the state of New York.

Canneli Peter, and Block Walter. “Debate Over the Minimum Wage Law.”

Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, vol.7, no.4, Addleton Academic

Publishers, Dec. 2012, pp.11-33.

            Both economists Peter Canneli and Walter Block exchange a few letters with one another regarding a debate over the minimum wage law. Block discusses his point of view on minimum wage and its effects on the economy causing unemployment. Canneli on the otherhand disagrees and states that he has had conducted research studies and the effect on the economy isn’t so bad because the results of his case studies were that only a few people are affected by unemployment, this debate continues throughout the series of letters. Peter Canneli is an economist and professor at the Wharton School and Walter Block is also an economist but an instructor at the Loyola University of New Orleans as well. Both Canneli and Block had their letters peer reviewed and published by Addleton Academic Publishers, a subscription-based publisher located in New York City with top ranking universities where their authors are located at. This scholarly source will help me with my research question due to both Canneli and Block being economists and having experience with what they are talking about even though they both don’t agree with each other. I will likely go more into detail in the following essay with Canneli’s case studies with the effects on unemployment on individuals and how Block yet disagrees with Canneli because his case study does not include a variety of different economic situations.

Amadeo, Kimberly. “Minimum Wage with Its Purpose, Pros, Cons and History”,

thebalance.com, N.p. 9 July 2019, Web. 3 March 2020. https://www.thebalance.com/us-minimum-wage-what-it-is-history-and-who-must-comply-3306209

            The writer Kimberly Amadeo writes about minimum wage and what it is, its history, and its pros and cons. Amadeo gives a small overview of the history of minimum wage, how it came about and how it has transformed over the years while also exploring the pros of minimum wage being the ability to cover the cost of one’s own living, reducing income inequality and spurring economic growth. Amadeo states the cons of the minimum wage such as the raise of business labor costs that may increase unemployment rate, possibility of not reducing the country’s poverty and possible inflation costs of living varying from city to city. Kimberly Amadeo has a master’s degree in management from the Sloan School of Business at MIT and has over 20 years of experience as a senior-corporate in economic analysis and business strategy. I will use this article for my research question because it is going to help me state both the advantages and disadvantages of the minimum wage law. Using this article will also help me come across the different effects that minimum wage creates on individuals, businesses and the spurring of economic inequality.